Chelmsford Local Plan Review

Chelmsford City Council is consulting on a review of its adopted Local Plan with the Preferred Options consultation running from 8 May 2024 to 19 June 2024.

View our exhibition to find out more. There are also links to the main consultation material.

This is the second of three stages of consultation towards updating the adopted Local Plan, and has been prepared following initial consultation in 2022. We want to make sure we cover the right issues and that all the suitable options for accommodating change are considered. This is your opportunity to feed into the review process and help to shape the plan and the future of your area.

We adopted our current Local Plan in May 2020. We need to review the plan at least every five years, to make sure it remains up to date and meets the changing needs for development to 2041. We need to consider new national policy and changing local circumstances. Our aim is to get the right type of development in the right places to meet the growing needs of local people and businesses, while protecting our environment.

Click on the image above to enter the exhibition. Then click on 'How to navigate' to find out how to find out how to move around the room.

You can view the consultation documents on our specially designed consultation portal.

Alternatively visit our Local Plan web page for details of the consultation, how to make your comments, and about our planned in-person exhibitions.